Recent content by trigger72

  1. T

    TV show about trading

    Looked like Bloomberg only to me - I couldn't see anything else. The monitors are distinctive and you see the Bloomberg channel on in the background all the time so a deal was probably done.
  2. T

    TV show about trading

    Agree - if you don't know that you are the fool in the market..............caveat emptor and all that.
  3. T

    TV show about trading

    How else did you expect him to do it when they were clearly executing through brokers rather than electronically themselves? And you can see why the TV people would want this to use 'phone execution to brokers - you get people screwing it under pressure and its more interesting (arguably) than...
  4. T

    TV show about trading

    Found this on You Tube this morning....................
  5. T

    TV show about trading

    More Funny............... The series also provides an insight into a world into which a fly-on-the-wall documentary would not be allowed to pry: “Nobody on a real...
  6. T

    TV show about trading

    Mate of mine at ML (or BAC - whatever the fook they are called now) alerted me to it. He says that Lex Van Dam is very well respected.................
  7. T

    TV show about trading

    TV preview: Million Dollar Traders | Culture | The Observer Looks interesting...............article is amusing anyway