Recent content by TraderPattern

  1. T

    Trump is better for global peace

    Trump won No way!! This sucks. WW3 coming.
  2. T

    Jeremy Clarkson

    Clarkson is a racist. He should be thrown into jail for his vile comments.
  3. T

    The peace thread

  4. T

    The peace thread

    With all the war and hating in the world happening in the news, I am dediciating this thread to peace. All of us have bloods and bones and are desent people. What gets in way of love between humanoids is religion and polticals. So I ask all peoples of no faith or many to drop the hatings and...
  5. T

    Al-Qaeda's Zawahiri warns of US influence in Mideast

    True patriots love the army. You don't like me, so you are not a patriot. The Prince is amazing.
  6. T

    Al-Qaeda's Zawahiri warns of US influence in Mideast

    LOL, I used to be in the army, fool. My living was keeping you safe.
  7. T

    Al-Qaeda's Zawahiri warns of US influence in Mideast

    Also add this devil:
  8. T

    Prince Phillip: a credit to our nation

    By making fun of my Prince, a weak 90 year old man, you belittle everthing which makes us grate. We are a world respected country with a much luved language, the langugae of Shakespear. Our grate British umpire once spanned the world creating respect and fear amongst the natives we ruled...
  9. T

    Prince Phillip: a credit to our nation

    Those who hate Prince Phillip are probably enemies of the UK, like Bin Laden followers from Pakistan or Gaddafi lovers from Syria.
  10. T

    Prince Phillip: a credit to our nation

    I will not disclose my secret trading signals. They took me 2 months to develop. But they are on sale to selected clients at a cut-price of £27,325.99. Only Lords, Ladies, Sirs, Dukes and Dames are allowed to buy them. My Prince and his wife can have them for free as did the Duke and his Duckess...
  11. T

    Prince Phillip: a credit to our nation

    No I am not the Queen. Here is why 1) The Queen is not a pro trader but I am -- I made £582,768 last year after paying my taxes. Goldmon Sacks wanted me but I said no 2) The Queen is old but I am young 3) The Queen is ugly but I am beuatiful All of you who do not support my Prince are traitors...
  12. T

    Prince Phillip: a credit to our nation

    How dare you. Our Prince represents everything that is good about Britain. If you do not like our Prince, then I suggest that you leave the country of our Prince and his Wife and go to somewhere like Pakistan. Also, leave our Duke and Earls alone. They make our country great. They put the...
  13. T

    Prince Phillip: a credit to our nation

    Today a church service marked our Prince's 90th birthday. As a proud British patriot, I think our Prince is a credit to our island nation. Our Prince has inspired the peoples of England, Scotland, Ireland and Whales no end. I strongly believe the Royal...
  14. T

    Was Mandela a terrorist?

    I agree. We have come full circle and to a consensus. I hereby declare to the moderators that they should henceforth close this excellent thread of mine.
  15. T

    Was Mandela a terrorist?

    I agree. People like the terrorist Mandela are what destroyed our Empire. I think that our Empire did a great deal of good for the world.