Recent content by trade_to_win

  1. T

    java zero day threat

    I spoke too soon, another 0day from Java has come out for the latest Java 7 u 15 release. So yeah - remove from your browser if you do not need it to be secure! remember: removing from your browser is different to removing it from your system if you need it to run charting or desktop trading...
  2. T

    Spread betting - £30k - £60k in 2.75 months

    I am very new to this but thought I would add: "So if you have 2 longs and 2 shorts, the gains and losses will cancel each other out, or I am missing something? Are you making money like this?" My understanding it that you would be making money on both the long and short, and in your system...
  3. T

    java zero day threat

    Hi, I work in IT Security so I can add some value here. Java 6 is now deprecated by Oracle. That means no more security patches or updates will be released. Java 7 update 15 is the latest and secure version so make sure you are running that. However, the actual vulnerability or threat itself...