Recent content by Tomski

  1. T

    Mini or micro accounts in UK

    Oanda is good. Don't think there is a minimum deposit and you could have a notional of £1 if you want.
  2. T

    Dow End of Day Signalling Service

    Cheers guys that's perfect. I was looking to swing trade and while learning with small capital £1 a point is still too large. Thanks, T
  3. T

    Dow End of Day Signalling Service

    Where can you trade for 50p per point? Everywhere I look at is min £1, apart from IG which offer low bets but for 2 weeks only. Cheers, T
  4. T

    Ask ANY trading related question!

    Cheers for the reply, I understand what you are saying however the way it was spoken about it the FX forum was that the dollar was weak because of the rally in stocks as opposed to the other way round. T
  5. T

    Ask ANY trading related question!

    Inverse relationship USD - US equities Hi, Can someone please explain why there is an inverse relationship between the USD and US equities. I've seen people mentioned it in some of the FX forums. I think I understand the the relationship between USD priced commodities and the USD but the...
  6. T

    Stocks and USD inverse relationship

    Hi, I been tracking some of the recent FX threads and have notice people talking about pressure on the USD when the US equity market is rallying. Could someone explain to me why this is. I understand the inverse relationship between commodities and the dollar, however to me it would seem...
  7. T

    Fuel Switch Price

    Hi, Was a bit confused about the fuel switch price. When reading market commentary it almost sounds like it's traded and determined by that. However it seems more logical that it would be determine by the price of electricty, gas and coal relative to one another. Could someone set the record...
  8. T

    Electricity/Coal Futures - Spark Spread

    Hi, I'm interested in the spark spread. Can any one let me know the bench mark contracts for gas coal and electricty. I assume gas would be the NG contracts on Nymex, and this seems correct because there is a lot of volume and volility when looking at the charts. Coal and Electricty is a...
  9. T

    Changing up money, City FX

    Hi, I need to change up some money without get done on the fees etc. I remember seeing a thread about this, I think City FX was mentioned as well as some other names. Could someone please give me the link to the thread if they know or can find it. I've tried the search function but haven't...
  10. T

    Spread betting Margins

    Yeah that wasn't the best example in strategy, I was really thinking about more volatile products, I just felt it was good for what I was asking, in that clearly the spread should have a smaller margin than the outright. So companys don't actually have this openly available? I would have...
  11. T

    Spread betting Margins

    Hi, I was wondering how spread betting companies margin and if they all use the same methods. Are they like futures in that, if I put a euribor spread on the margin is a lot less that an outright, or are all positions margin seperately. If companies different could someone point me in the...
  12. T

    Small bet size.

    Thanks for that mate, I'll probably have a look at Finspreads then although I have heard some bad things about them, I think actually on this board. 50 a point sounds good, having said that seeing as the Dax has done 100 points this morning I think I might still paper trade the indices. Cheers Tom
  13. T

    Small bet size.

    What to try out some ideas, so was wondering which companies have small bet sizes available, i.e. 20 pence a point etc. And if there are a few then which ones would you recommend when considering front end and slippage. Cheers T
  14. T

    CQG future continuations

    Question for those who trade futures and use CQG for charting. When looking at historic charts, for example the bobl future since the contract started. Which continuation method do you use? I know how they work. I ask this because they all seem to change the way the chart looks, for example...