Recent content by Tim Parker

  1. Tim Parker

    Equities Day Trading & Scalping Trading the “Pre-Market” and “Post-Market” Sessions

    Beginning stock traders know the stock market has regular trading hours - they are open for business between 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Billions of shares of stock are traded in the American markets alone, making the markets very liquid and efficient. What beginners may not know is the stock...
  2. Tim Parker

    Equities Money Management Calculating Risk and Reward

    Are you a risk taker? When you're an individual trader in the stock market, one of the few safety devices you have is the risk/reward calculation. Risk v Reward Sadly, retail investors might end up losing a lot of money when they try to invest their own money. There are many reasons for this...
  3. Tim Parker

    Swing & Position Trading Day Trading & Scalping Is High-Frequency Trading (HFT) A Fancy Term For Cheating?

    The furore over high-frequency trading (HFT) was once just a preoccupation of those directly connected with Wall Street. Now the topic has gone mainstream and may soon go all the way up to the White House. In October 2015, US Presidential hopeful Hilary Clinton's campaign proposed a tax on...
  4. Tim Parker

    Equities Day Trading & Scalping The Two Hour A Day Trading Plan

    Every good investor knows that in order to make money on any investment, you must first understand all aspects of it, so let's look at why most trading volume is concentrated at the beginning and end of the day. If you have ever come home from work and used your evening hours to research stocks...