
Building Surveyor by profession intending to reinvent myself as a full time day trader and EOD swing trader.

I previously posted heavily on until finding T2W.

Keen user of Sharescope.

F1, Squash, Mountainbiking
Real Name
Full Time Trader
United Kingdom
Trading Experience
1-2 Years
Trading Work Status
Full-Time (Home/Office)
Preferred Trading Style
  1. Day Trader
  2. Swing Trader
Preferred Trading Methodology
  1. Mechanical/Systems
  2. Price Action
Preferred Market Regions
  1. UK
Preferred Markets
  1. Currencies
  2. Indices
Preferred Trading Instruments
  1. Spreadbetting
Preferred Forex Currencies
  1. USD
  2. GBP
  3. EUR
  4. CHF
  5. JPY
Preferred Trading Software (P-Z)
  1. ShareScope
Preferred Direct Access Brokers
  1. IG Markets
  2. Interactive Brokers
Preferred Spreadbetting Brokers
  1. IG Index
Preferred CFD Brokers
  1. IG Markets
Preferred EOD Data Providers
  1. ShareScope
Preferred Realtime Data Providers
  1. ShareScope
Favorite Trading Books
Trading in the Zone - Mark Douglas
Way of the Turtle - Curtis Faith
Trendfollowing - Michael Covell
Favorite Trading Magazines
  1. Traders Magazine
Favorite Trading Tip
Way of the Turtle
Loss aversion: The tendency for people to have a strong preference for avoiding losses over acquiring gains
Sunk costs effect: The tendency to treat money that already has been committed or spent as more valuable than money that may be spent in the future
Disposition effect: The tendency for people to lock in gains and ride losses
Outcome bias: The tendency to judge a decision by its outcome rather than by the quality of the decision at the time it was made
Recency bias: The tendency to weigh recent data or experience more than earlier data or experience
Anchoring:The tendency to rely too heavily, or anchor, on readily available information
Bandwagon effect:The tendency to believe things because many other people believe them
Belief in the law of small numbers: The tendency to draw unjustified conclusions from too little information


"Human emotion is both the source of opportunity in trading and the greatest challenge. Master it and you will succeed" - Curtis Faith

"In a losing game such as trading, we shall start against the majority and assume we are wrong until proven correct! (We do not assume we are correct until proven wrong.) Positions established must be reduced and removed until or unless the market proves the position correct! (We allow the market to verify correct positions.)" - Phantom of the Pits




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