Recent content by SystemSkeptic

  1. S

    Elliottician and Richard Swannell

    It is a little difficult to lodge a class action under a false name. The person trying to get this class action going is not "Alexander Becker", that is a false name. That should tell you something about the validity of the claims.
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    Elliottician and Richard Swannell

    Care to know the truth? Would you like to make that staement in a public place using your real identity? Or are you an anonymous coward? Why not find out the facts: go to Richard Swannell, Founder of | Discusses Accusations of Fraud | Video & Transcript The truth is out...
  3. S

    richard swannell is the greatest

    Rather than listening to other peoples opinions, go to the source: Richard Swannell, Founder of | Discusses Accusations of Fraud | Video & Transcript Answers all questions recently raised.