Recent content by Sweety

  1. S ?

    Hi, I was looking a forex system that has easy processes and payment solutions as debit and internet banking. I find and using OKPAY system. Would you please share your experiences with me? I will show you here its new features and events under this discussion. Thanks.
  2. S

    How hard is it to fund forex account

    Hi, I was looking a forex system that has easy processes and payment solutions as debit and internet banking. I find and using OKPAY system. Would you please share your experiences with me? I will show you here its new features and events under this discussion. Thanks.
  3. S

    Xpertrader - Fraud Squad investigating Chris Pay

    OKPAY® trademark registered in the European Union OKPAY Company Receives Registered Trademark for OKPAY® in the European Union. OKPAY Inc., a rapidly growing payment processing and financial service, announced that the company has received a registered European Community Trade Mark from...