Recent content by Spec-K Trading

  1. S

    The Tenets of a Successful, Backtested, Mechanical Trading System

    Congrats on your live trading success Jelly. I've also had great success now for 10 months running, trading several hundred thousand continuously (198 trades completed to date). +22% currently, and only one losing month (Feb 2013), with new equity highs again this month (Mar 2013). And yes...
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    The Taylor Trading Technique

    I don't think this is an appropriate forum to discuss or share where and how copyrighted material can be stolen. Thieving is thieving: would you steal a paper copy out of the bookstore down the street? The same morals apply. If you want the material, you should compensate the author and...
  3. S

    Automated Trading

    If you want to develop and measure systems that trade broad "portfolios" (watch lists), the Seer Trading Platform works very well, and is programmed in Perl. Some love it, some hate's an okay language and certainly has a much lower hurdle for basic facility than C++ or C# is my opinion.
  4. S

    Back-testing and Curve fitting

    Utilizing the information of the past to give us an edge in trading the future is the objective of TA. It doesn't necessarily require the past to replicate itself, but for something predicted to happen ("replica" or different, it doesn't matter) enough to give us an edge, based on our...
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    The Coin Flip

    I know my system approach raises hackles; it's different and contrarian re: the general trading "rules". However, "you should always" is rarely correct in trading, and it's not accurate here (=> always aim for a large profit). There are many ways to get an edge (positive expectation), and I'm...
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    The Coin Flip

    My trading system doesn't do that, and you might want to explore alternatives. Tight stops on "precisely timed entries" combined with "let your profitable trades run" tends to lead to lots of smaller losers and winners that aren't so big because trades run too long and greed and fear causes poor...
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    The Coin Flip

    Reading that is certainly sending me to the kegerator for a shot of courage!
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    The Coin Flip

    A definite "yes" to viewing the markets through a statistical lens! I view stock price in the future on a probabilistic basis, informed by prior action, and trade accordingly. When I refer to TA mumbo jumbo relative to entry point selection, I'm talking about using indicators and the like...
  9. S

    The Coin Flip

    Lol!!! I'm getting dizzy. To get back to the original question (because randomly generated charts look pretty similar can we conclude market action is random), not just because of that rather superficial assessment. We could certainly some statistical tests that would give us some...
  10. S

    The Coin Flip

    It is interesting that the charts produced by random coin flips have all the "patterns" that technical analysis ascribes meaning/significance to (try the tool someone provided a link to and generate a few with say 10,000 flips or so and check them out for yourself). I see support lines, flags...
  11. S

    A swing trader with daily ideas...

    Nice set up on IBB, thanks. My own system definitely calls for a buy there, probably with a stop buy just over the current market (particularly since the overall market is in a significant down draft. If the market was healthy I'd just get in now). My only hesitation on the trade is that the...
  12. S

    Amibroker + Interactive Brokers

    I use interactive brokers for stock trading and am very happy with their trading platform and most importantly, their low commissions! I'm trading at a rate of several hundred trades per year.
  13. S

    The Tenets of a Successful, Backtested, Mechanical Trading System

    Wheresthejelly, your post was quite interesting. I'd like to offer up a bit different perspective on the elephant of "mechanical trading systems". I 'd like to address what I view as "fundamental tenets": - Mechanical trading systems are necessary to enable valid testing and measurement...
  14. S

    Sticky Introduce Yourself

    Hello! I'm here to contribute (and learn more) in the area of trading practice, particularly stock trading and system trading. I have some things to contribute based on developing and deploying my own varied trading systems for many, many years, in both the commodities market and the stock...