Recent content by slicker2009

  1. S

    Best Thread Featured Quick reference for real trading profit. Tips that work

    The "normal" people are too lazy to look back and ask themselves why things are going wrong . They are not willing to sacrifice the time to write down a diary of their trades and they think they can ignore advice given to them time and time again by experienced traders . Advice like : GET OVER...
  2. S

    Best Thread Featured Quick reference for real trading profit. Tips that work

    You should always try to end your day on a positive note. Try to end your trading day with a small positive trade or a small stop loss. This will keep your confidence levels fresh and ready for the next day . When you see more black entries (profits) than red entries ( losses ) for the day you...
  3. S

    Best Thread Featured Quick reference for real trading profit. Tips that work

    We will never trade perfectly but must attempt to at least minimize our natural self destructive impulses. Keep a journal of your trades. Don't just mimic the information contained in your brokerage statement. Instead keep a log of you felt emotionally about each trade.
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    Best Thread Featured Quick reference for real trading profit. Tips that work

    In a Bull market...Be Long or Neutral - in a Bear market...Be Short or Neutral A lot of people forget this rule and trade against the trend by calling for short term changes in market conditions. This usually causes psychological imbalance and frequently leads to losses.
  5. S

    Any correlation between the number of posts a trader makes and his profitability?

    can some one tell me what on earth is going on with the capital spreads website , all shares , indices etc are showing a current value of 0.0000
  6. S

    Best Thread £10k wipeout

    Hi there Banny . I'm new to this forum , had a close eye on FTSE 100 shares for the last 10 years , have dabbled a little in spread betting from time to time , but have only recently decided to enter into the game with a dream to turning into a professional . I admit I don't know much compared...
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    Best Thread £10k wipeout

    Hi there . I like the bit about "don't panic when you make a loss" , but it is easy to get angry and think that the loss was a one off moment of chaos with the share price ,so you dive in again to get your own back ; but its a bit like a fruit machine and before you know it you've put £100 pound...
  8. S

    Sticky Introduce Yourself

    Hello everybody Have joined up to get some enlightenment from the vast pool of knowledge and wisdom out there.