Recent content by sleepyg

  1. S


    It's a bit like Amazon. Little prospect of significant earnings, but able to kick the can down the road indefinitely at current interest rates. And very hard for competitors (especially ICE car companies) to catch up. So being overpriced doesn't mean the shares are going down. I'd be on the...
  2. S

    grumpy old gits thread

    Please note, I do agree with you on the principle; my kids never missed school like this. I'm not sure about the "enforcement" and fines though. A bit nanny state.
  3. S

    grumpy old gits thread

    The motivation is a saving of maybe a thousand pounds or more on a family holiday. Depending on the holiday, it may, arguably, be a greater learning experience than school attendance. Actually, the teachers and the school don't in general care about kids taking holidays in term time. What they...
  4. S

    Options trading - WARNING !!

    options aren't so bad I feel this post exaggerates the danger of options. Of course don't do trades that you don't understand, but options have a unique ability to allow risk and exposure to be managed in quite simple ways. If you are long-only options, your total exposure is the price of the...