Recent content by slartman

  1. S

    Boiler Room Scams

    another important thing -- i have mcafee virus protection - when u look for -- it details a warning. i suspect - and have good info abt this - that they are sending a virus to your computer. it may well be a key logger - which logs each key stroke u take. so it will 'see'...
  2. S

    Boiler Room Scams

    ummm - very bad news. i know all about them. I can give you some more details tomorrow. basically a certain boiler room fraud. they are not a reg. company in the country they claim to be nor do they have an aust. financial services licence. (i assume u are in aust.). They also don't appear...
  3. S

    Boiler Room Scams

    it doesnt sound good. Do some basic checks. If the 'Transfer agent' (normal thing of boiler rooms) is xyz or something ltd in say Japan - or Hong Kong, look up that countries corporation web site and see if its a registered company. Also check and see if it is in that country's 'phone book'...
  4. S

    Boiler Room Scams

    I note the boiler rooms love words like 'Diversifited' 'Investors' and 'Global'. Watch out also for 'Dunwell Investments'. Fancy web site -
  5. S

    Boiler Room Scams

    err. really ! -- 1.5 million eh -- i wonder how many thousands of dollars i could lose trying to unsuccessfully get that carot. i guess you are obviously too stupid and lazy to get a real job.
  6. S

    Boiler Room Scams

    also watch out for ANY group using bank account of ''Trade State development LTd' of Hong Kong. (Used by brett commodities)
  7. S

    Boiler Room Scams

    Let me know what company he claims to be with and what they are 'trading'. Are you from Aust ? cheers
  8. S

    Boiler Room Scams

    Boiler rooms are evil *******s ripping off the elderly. Here are some current ones as at March 2010. Westernfield Holdings - bank accounts Hargill holdings, H & M Trading - Nobal Edge Holdings Carbon Hill - Bank accounts - Parkfield International. (Japan) Pacific Global Advisors - Bank...