Recent content by singh2jatt

  1. S

    How to reach for investors?

    Thanks trader_dante. I was new 2 trading over the past 2 years but now have found my trading style and strategy. I originally started off with £1200 in around july 2008 and made about £500 in the first 2 months (while still learning), but in OCT 2008 i lost all my profits and most of my...
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    Masteres Or CFA

    Hi I am very confused in which to do, should i do a Masters in finance and accounting or a CFA, I would like to get a job in investment banking or a city trader. Which is better the CFA is more Flexible and cheaper.
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    Point and figure backtesting systems

    Any lucky mate? I had 2 create my own back testing system and works a treat as I was a programmer in my last job. Need any help let me know what you are try to do, what data you have and what you exactly want calculating. Thanks
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    Advice Needed

    HI I have just graduated and finding hard to get a job, I graduated with a BSC (Hons) in Computer Science and Accounting (2:1), and as I cant find a job I am looking to go back and do a masters, But are masters really worth their money? or should i do professional studies such as CIMA, CEFA...
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    Parabolic SAR Calulation

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    Parabolic SAR Calulation

    Hi Does any1 know how 2 calculate Parabolic SAR? I have the formula, but don't understand to apply it to my data. I have high, low open and close data for the Indiex FTSE100. Can some1 help me by providing me an example how i should calculate this. Here is the formula SARn = SAR(n-1) + Step...
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    Mathematics and Economics graduate 2.2 degre :( Need advice!

    ladz it very hard these dayes getting a job in London especially financial service's i am a Uk born citizen with a 2:1 degree in accounting and computer science and i am struggling. Their aint many jobs going. :(
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    Setting up a new FSA Registered investment firm?

    Hi TomTom are their anyways to get around this as i keep getting asked by my friends to look after their money.
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    What are the top 5 UK shares used in Spreading Betting

    just the penny movement for shares
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    FX end of day data CSV format

    Hi does any1 know where i can get FX data (GBP\USD) in a file formate, or where i can view it instead ok a graph. I have tryed yahoo they do not provide in for a 52 week period.
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    Trading formula

    thanks fibonelli that what i have started to do, Thanks
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    Beta testers wanted!

    i am willing to test,
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    Trading formula

    HI I have been carrying out technical anylsis on UK Stocks and have found a decent formula that suits my requerments. After testing i found that it works great with some stock but not with all! can some1 explain y? OR how can i justify why it worked on a stock and not on another, is there...
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    Auto Trading UK\ Platform integration

    Hi Has any got a UK based broker that provideds any methods of connecting through code for automated trading? (Java, C#) Is anyone using auto trading in the UK?