Recent content by Shwty

  1. S

    What is an additional Listing ?

    Thanks for your reply. So it shouldn't really have any effect. Could it perhaps be perceived as a sign of confidence if the company sees the market makers as ready to take on more shares?
  2. S

    Live Prices / Unsubscribed Free This site gives free real time prices to registered users on a basis that it will log one off if the site is busy. For a small fee one can upgrade to get a continuous stream. I don't know if it's the best though as it's the only one I've tried. Good luck.
  3. S

    Capital Gains Tax

    I guess this is the authority on the matter though it appears very complicated. Perhaps someone else knows of a site with a simpler summary.
  4. S

    What is an additional Listing ?

    Additional Listing ? Can anybody help me to understand what an additional listing is? How might it affect a trend? Do the new stocks normally come back in line with the current trend etc. ? I have been trading African Gold shares for the last month or so (AFG) it has done very well though my...
  5. S

    Free online charting tool

    Yup. That works. Goodness knows why I didn't try it already. Doh! :rolleyes: Ta Shwty
  6. S

    The long and short of it.

    I see. So the shorting bit can only be done with spreadbetting brokers. I use Comdirect and I don't think this option is available. I suppose I could short my own stock if I was sure it was going to rise again after a dip. But as you can see I'm not sure about much at the moment. Thanks for...
  7. S

    Free online charting tool

    I have used this tool too. It's very good, fast and user friendly. However, so far as I can tell one can't use the other functions of their site, eg. trading, at the same time as this tool and one must download the applet each time one wishes to use it. This is a bit of a pain as ideally I...
  8. S

    The long and short of it.

    Hmm. It's clearer but not quite there. What do you mean by borrowing in this context. So is 'going long', buying a stock etc. in order to sell it at a higher price? and 'shorting', selling it so that you can buy it back at a lower price? Thanks again.
  9. S

    The long and short of it.

    I am new to trading and reading around I keep seeing phrases such as being long or short of a stock, going long or short, shorting, etc.. can anyone tell me what this means. Is it a noun or a verb or adjective etc. as it seems to be used in various contexts. Thanks :confused:
  10. S

    A tip for those who don't have multiple monitors yet

    Or one could hold down ALT and hit TAB to scroll through your windows if you are using the windows platform.
  11. S

    Stop loss

    Thankyou all very much. Things are a little clearer now. :D
  12. S

    Stop loss

    What concerns me is that there appears to be nothing preventing the price from diving to take a wide margin stop loss too. I guess what I'm saying is, what makes the MMs keep the spread narrow instead of just buying everything. :confused:
  13. S

    Stop loss

    Thanks for all that info. So I guess stop losses aren't quite the safety net I thought they were. I suppose I need to keep my fingers crossed until there is a significant profit before I can risk putting a safety net say half that profit margin below the support?
  14. S

    Stop loss

    When a stop loss is placed, is this just for the broker or does it go in the order book? ie Can placing a stop loss ever influence the trend? :confused: