Recent content by shelleyfrank

  1. S

    GSL investment software

    Thanks Yokiro, that is sound advice.
  2. S

    GSL investment software

    Thanks to the fairly convincing brochure sent to my (how did they find me?) by GSL I managed to register at T2W! But I was taken aback when I opened the GSL brochure and discovered that the pages were all upside-down and back-to-front. Surely any printing house and binder can make mistakes, but...
  3. S

    Sticky Introduce Yourself

    Hi, I am joining to express my interest; I have no experience. My wish is to learn something valuble every day, and to develop useful skills over time. Who knows, maybe later I will be able to transmit my success story to those who need it more than myself. Enough said for now. Cheers