Recent content by Seery

  1. S

    cash on demand

    Bang on with the analogy. As one of the speakers at the conference, Stephen Pearce said. "Most people will fail. Not for lack of products or knowledge but because they fail to use their knowledge to implement things correctly, or at all". MS
  2. S

    cash on demand

    First of all, I imagine that it will take up to a couple of weeks for all of the materials to be despatched so don't start sweating just yet. As far as the generator is concerned. It's a clever piece of software if you don't have any HTML skills. To answer your questions about uploading your...
  3. S

    cash on demand

    Well, in my case, I'm already using my last name as a handle here. In less formal situations, people tend to call me Mark, although others have used alternative addresses on occasion :cheesy: MS
  4. S

    cash on demand

    I'd certainly be up for chewing the fat over a beer or two, so count me in. It would be nice to put a few faces to names and share views and opinions on the preceedings. MS
  5. S

    cash on demand

    I expect that all subscribers will receive the letter. Mr Reynolds needs to be applauded for this initiative. I'll certainly be going and although speculating here, I suspect that Carl Galletti will be in attendance............. MS
  6. S

    cash on demand

    Strangely enough, I had an expensive offer from Tim some time ago. I received a mailshot from him. It was an invite to one of his seminars and the cost was just short of around 4 grand if I remember correctly. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I also recieved a piece of direct mail from a...
  7. S

    cash on demand

    I'll concur with all of this, having also taken this route. There is an AWFUL lot of information to digest but at least the option is there to take things at one's own pace rather than have to wait month by month. I'm trying to apply the module 2 money making machine story to my efforts but as...