Recent content by Ross-G

  1. R

    Post refco- what's a good diverse combi of 3 fx brokers?

    Assuming we're getting out of Refcofx and Fxcm, it makes sense to spread fx funds between 3 diverse yet reputable retail brokers. Who do we recommend? Would it make sense to choose retail shops in different countries? I assume Oanda (Canada) is a given. Any other recommendations?
  2. R

    Someone has got to be trading forex profitably ?

    Is this really a wise motif? Is it not the case that the counterparties love you to try harder and harder till you're bust? Maybe it's better to try trading SMARTER not trying harder?
  3. R

    Average daily return for a standard day trader

    I must admit I thought the average daytrader actually loses money, or is the 90 percent lose statistic just an urban myth? Does anyone have an idea of what the reality is re sit-at-home forex traders with big ideas? And as most will use standard ideas to trade does that mean these ideas don't...
  4. R

    Oanda Fx

    Previously on this forum I was advised to have accounts with at least two SB firms. Capital Spreads being the first, but D4F getting far too much flak here and in other threads. As there is no point having a forum to communally point out the ropey operations only to end up using them through...
  5. R

    Hell with no DSL

    Looked up v21 on cloudbase's recommendation. They do have what seems to be the perfect dial up 'always on' service. It is however £120 per month. :frown: A little excessive as their always on broadband is £24 per month??? Closest to that is their 'nethead' package on dial up, £25 per...
  6. R

    Hell with no DSL

    Hello there. Thanks to all three of you for your replies. I run both Metatrader and the GftForex charting package. The second being the main one as I tend to do my trades by right clicking on the little green and red boxes. :) However, it does take aaaaaaaaages to load up chart data, and...
  7. R

    Hell with no DSL

    Hi all I live in an area with no broadband, so rely on dial up solutions. I cannot find (and have looked) any way of staying permanently online. All service providers seem to cut me off after 2 hours, or the service is unreliable. I use a charting package which freezes if the line goes down...
  8. R

    Spread betting enquiry

    Thanks for the info. What I was most worried about was a situation where they could 'change the rules' according to which was the most successful (ie-if you were to make profits in your other trading activities and lose spread betting, you could not offset your losses for tax purposes but if...
  9. R

    Spread betting enquiry

    Hello all traders! I am considering adding some spreadbetting to my activities. I was wondering, if I was trading day to day through Oanda etc for short positions and Spreadbetting firms for swing positions (after reading some news feeds etc), is it still the case that I don't pay tax on the...
  10. R

    Forex tax haven question

    Hello everybody I have researched about the tax issues regarding forex trading; (eg I pay income tax not CGT because of frequency of my trades) what I was wondering was... If I leave the UK in new tax year and become resident in Tax haven e.g.Antigua, Tallokiki, Monaco and continue to trade...