Recent content by Quickdraw2

  1. Q

    Sniper Forex System

    Thanks to everyone for the replies to my inquiry about this system. Due to the very few posts over the past year on this thread about this system - and due to the responses to my questions of a couple of days ago - I now have very little confidence in the SniperForex system. I feel it would be...
  2. Q

    Sniper Forex System

    This thread was started about 4 years ago (in another 2 months it will be officially 4 years old). In approximately the first 3 years, there were 2860 posts made on this thread - an average of 953 posts per year. However, in the last 12 months, there has only been 22 posts made in this thread...
  3. Q

    Best Thread The 3 Duck's Trading System

    Hi Captain Currency, This is a very interesting system. I like the simplicity of it. I haven't read the entire thread yet, so you might've already answered the following questions. Are you the original creator of this system? Do you use a live account with this system? Whatever the case...
  4. Q

    Forex Confidential

    I am a former member of Forex Confidential and I continue to recieve his emails for the purpose of amusement. I follow along and like to watch his "flavor of the month" trading system crash and burn as it always does. :lol: Even though I am making jokes about Steve Dewitt and his "trading...
  5. Q

    Sniper Forex System

    By the way, I forgot to mention that I actually did try out the system a few months ago with the 2 week free trial offer, but it didn't perform very well. I was slightly less than break even during those 2 weeks (in a demo account). I did a "visual backtest" by scrolling back about a year or so...
  6. Q

    Sniper Forex System

    forexkunta, Thank you for sharing your experiences with the SniperForex trading system. I am always glad to hear details of one's personal experience with a system rather than a rude reply of, "Go buy the system and find out for yourself!" Believe it or not, I have seen some people reply that...
  7. Q

    Sniper Forex System

    Do you guys consider this the best trading system out there? I have not read this entire thread yet, but going by the reviews at forex peace army website it would seem this is the best trading system anywhere. Whether that is true or not, I don't know, but that is the impression I get from the...
  8. Q

    Forex Trading Machine

    Hi Jetheat, I clicked on your link and noticed at the bottom of that website you have another link to a trading system you are using. You say you are doing fantastic with the Trend Manager system? If it is such a sure-fire system then why do you need the Cash Cow Strategy? Which is better -...