Recent content by QAVinversion

  1. QAVinversion

    [DARWIN] MOT by IlIlIlIlI

    The var is too high and this account will soon collapse if it continues, be careful... and even if the darwin doesn't, the underlying certainly will, sooner rather than later. You seem to have a good strategy, don't throw it away with high leverage.
  2. QAVinversion

    [DARWIN] QAV by QAVinversion - quillants

    I have found the variable that was missing in my strategy, from now on you will notice different numbers in my trading. Best regards
  3. QAVinversion

    [DARWIN] QAV by QAVinversion - quillants

    Already on vacation and looking forward to next year, I hope things go well and have a better result, which this year although there were no losses, was disappointing, much less than expected. As a summary, the system just didn't work well, I don't consider it as anything serious, nor that I...
  4. QAVinversion

    [DARWIN] QAV by QAVinversion - quillants

    I am not sure about that, but I try to reinvest part of my earnings, Darwin is made for me, I thought it for my personal savings.
  5. QAVinversion

    [DARWIN] QAV by QAVinversion - quillants

    Good evening. Today September 30 is the last day of this month, quite hard, with very few days of earnings, perhaps less than the fingers of one hand. But I understand that this is trading and this is the market. Fortunately I was right in the measures taken, otherwise the loss would have been...
  6. QAVinversion

    [DARWIN] QAV by QAVinversion - quillants

    Good morning to all those who follow the diary. Inform that today 12 bots have been activated to operate the strategy, I feel good because I made them myself, with the help of my friend Marcos who indicated me some commands. I invite you all to learn the MQL4 language which is really very...
  7. QAVinversion

    [DARWIN] QAV by QAVinversion - quillants

    Good morning to all readers, Finally August is over, the balance at the end was bad but not so bad, I did not do anything extraordinary, I just kept trading according to the system. I must emphasize some things, one of them is that this year does not stop being the worst in the whole history (...
  8. QAVinversion

    Why Darwinex is not growing?

    I really enjoy reading your debates, I would like to be able to master the language in a natural way so that I can understand you very well and that you can understand my points of view. In my opinion what darwinex lacks is just marketing, of all that I have been able to test darwinex is light...
  9. QAVinversion

    [DARWIN] QAV by QAVinversion - quillants

    The month had started its first two weeks with a loss that exceeded 4%, fortunately it has been mitigated, and for this last week the system accumulates a loss a little over 2%. With these 3 remaining days of August, I hope that the trading strategy can provide some positive surprise, if not...
  10. QAVinversion

    How to Compound Interest

    darwinex answered me this, it's in Spanish " Hola Gerson, Gracias por tu mensaje. En algunos casos, tras las respuestas dadas durante el proceso de apertura de cuenta, el apalancamiento máximo permitido es de 4x. En tu caso, el apalancamiento máximo aplicado es de 3x y me temo que, por...
  11. QAVinversion

    How to Compound Interest

    to access 1:4 leverage, do i have to create a new account?
  12. QAVinversion

    How to Compound Interest

    Cavaliere, and in case you know this, is it worth closing and buying back in with any profit?
  13. QAVinversion

    How to Compound Interest

    Does this only apply for open operations?
  14. QAVinversion

    [DARWIN] QAV by QAVinversion - quillants

    Good to all, I comment a little on what has happened. These two weeks have been bad, quite a lot, a loss that exceeds 4%, you could say that nothing happened. I am currently automating my system a little, this is because I have been going out to travel and carrying a laptop is quite...
  15. QAVinversion

    [DARWIN] QAV by QAVinversion - quillants

    My last operation of the month has closed, it is nice to say that after a month that almost all the time remained in the red, these last days I could turn it around. At this moment my Darwin is the winner of another darwinia award, it would be number 5 so far this year...