Recent content by punklesam

  1. P

    Traders Psychology and why 90% of traders fail

    Thank you for agreeing, tomorton. I think every intermediate trader should read this book or new traders once they reach the stage of psychological issues because the first few months of trading most of these issues are not faced. By the way, is it not acceptable to promote books on T2W? Most...
  2. P

    Traders Psychology and why 90% of traders fail

    My apologies if you feel my post is spam for some reason (I'm not Mark Douglas or affiliated with him in any way I just believe in his book) and I must say that wasn't a very warm welcome to your trading forum.
  3. P

    New to Trading

    I'm new to trading (and also new to Trade2Win) and was wondering if some of the more advanced members could send me somewhere for some good intro trading videos? Thanks! -PunkleSam