Recent content by Pader

  1. P

    The EU: What is the European Union and why are we a member?

    As to the monetarist attitude of your argument, there is obviously no hope for such as yourself until it should happen in your country and affect you and yours. Even then, judging by your statements, it may not worry you unduly. As to the example of 'British' justice that you gave in the link...
  2. P

    The EU: What is the European Union and why are we a member?

    "We live in a global society nowadays. What the UK does, especially in regards to the EU will have an effect upon the US markets." You say that the US has no fiscal responsibility towards UK citizens but you desire that we should have responsibility for US markets.
  3. P

    The EU: What is the European Union and why are we a member?

    American Law is based on British Common Law. They are almost identical systems except that you have a written constitution. Britain has a constitution too but it has been written over almost 1300 years. Like the US, the same assumption of innocence is not only practised here, it was invented...
  4. P

    The EU: What is the European Union and why are we a member?

    Hhiusa. You are being obtuse. You persist in talking purely in monetary terms, I am talking about the physical well being of the population of the UK. The original EEC that Britain was duped into back in the 70s has morphed from a Trading Bloc into the beginning of a totalitarian state...
  5. P

    The EU: What is the European Union and why are we a member?

    Oh so simple for you Hhiusa. What for you may be a simple economic inconvenience should the UK leave the EU is for us the clawing back of National Sovereignty which has been illegally given away (according to the British Treason Acts) by our treacherous politicians who, possibly like you, are...