Original Options Trader

i have been trading for over a decade but i started trading seriously in October 2012.
I learned to trade through Investools but I am no longer with them as they are so dear. i mainly buy or sell US options. i sell puts on shares i would buy to do covered calls with. i then receive income from selling the put and if assigned i get the stock at a cheap price. i also do covered call selling.
i also buy calls and puts to go for short term profits.
training advisor
United Kingdom
Trading Experience
More than 5 Years
Trading Work Status
Preferred Trading Style
  1. Swing Trader
Preferred Trading Methodology
  1. Chart Patterns
Preferred Market Regions
  1. US
Preferred Markets
  1. Stocks
Preferred Trading Instruments
  1. Options
Preferred Trading Software (P-Z)
  1. Prophet.Net


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