Recent content by NICKYB

  1. N

    ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

    AUSTIN (CN) - An Australian man took $53 million from 1,500 investors worldwide in an "investment education" and foreign exchange trading scam, the SEC and CFTC claim in parallel lawsuits. The SEC sued Senen Pousa and his Brisbane-based Investment Intelligence Corp. dba ProphetMax, in...
  2. N

    ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

    Listen all of you good people, EVG was in for commissions on bringing pigs to the slaughter, it is clear that Pousa screwed EVG on the commission payout. Read the case of David Smith in Jamaica also a Forex traded who took down "entire villages" worth of investments and lived the high life, he's...