Recent content by neddles777

  1. N

    Best FX Broker with MT4

    Yes, they (FxPro) allow americans...
  2. N

    News Times??

    Hi HilaryMannah, Thank you for your response and the website, but I do not trade forex, only the mini indices, dow, nasdaq, S&P... I went to daily fx website, I clicked on calender, and found news times, but I think that deals with forex? ...or am I wrong...or are these times also relevent to...
  3. N

    News Times??

    Greetings All, I know this is going sound like a stupid question, (though I have heard there are no stupid questions) ...whatever right! I am basically new to trading, only using a FxPro demo account at Mini Dow, Nasdaq and S&P indices...doing well, but it is not live trading...
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    FxPro - experiences and opinions

    FxPro Anyone? With my demo account, I strictly trade the mini's, dow, nasdaq and S&P indices. Using EMA, Bull and Bear power plus volumes, I have a system, but a loose system, I try to avoid heavy trading times, as I figure thats where I might have some problems with slippage and requotes...
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    FxPro - experiences and opinions

    Greetings Traders, I have been using FxPro's demo platform (MT4) for about 6 months to try to learn trading CFD's, specifically the Mini-Dow, Mini-S&P and the Mini Nasdaq. I have been more or less scalping - opening and closing same day using a T/P. For the first 4 months I destroyed 5...