Recent content by Naragot

  1. Naragot

    [DARWIN] RAT by Naragot

    Here is a screenshot from mobile app of an investor who invests only in my Darwin. Nearly 200% total after all fees.
  2. Naragot

    [DARWIN] RAT by Naragot

    Hello I started trading in Darwinex when there was no ESMA leverage restrictions. So my underlying had 30+ leverage. Then I moved the master account to fixed balance and fixed lot trading and all earnigs invested in my own DARWIN. But when Darwinex changed the fee policy I transered all my...
  3. Naragot

    [DARWIN] RAT by Naragot

    Thanks Do not know why investors ignore my Darwin :S Even now 75% of investments are mine own.
  4. Naragot

    Why Darwinex is not growing?

    Yep. They tried to make it more conservative and the portfolios were a part of this. But no luck. They have returned to old max risk model a year ago.
  5. Naragot

    Why Darwinex is not growing?

    Can not agree. Even with a good strategy assymetry of profits and losses will wipe your account (well not wipe but will leave you in a forever drawdown). It is a sad truth. You have to add a lot of luck to your good strategy to earn much with high risks. From my experience 25-30% target DD is...
  6. Naragot

    Why Darwinex is not growing?

    Right. I haven't seen longterm institutional investors in forex. Sometimes they appear but then suddenly disappear. And I don't think that their money is smarter than retail investors. I had some institutional investors - everything is the same. DD - withdraw.
  7. Naragot

    Why Darwinex is not growing?

    Do you mean porfolios? Alpari tried this feature - no luck.
  8. Naragot

    Why Darwinex is not growing?

    Why not? Is it so dangerous for Darwinex to show other VARs except 6.5%? Darwinex provides x3 leverage but it is really hard to find it out when you are on Darwinex web page 1st time. By the way Darwinex user interface is very uncomfortable for newbies. Too much information. But if the target...
  9. Naragot

    [DARWIN] YZZ by thic

    Very strange that this trader didn't get profit on last JPY trends - JPY crosses are his favorite pairs for generating profits.
  10. Naragot

    Why Darwinex is not growing?

    1) High fees. Really. One of my family accounts has already wasted about 2k$ on management fees. Previous fee model was much better. 2) No marketing at all. Even a very good product can not be sold without marketing. Where is activity in social media, own community? Why Darwinex PR managers...
  11. Naragot

    [DARWIN] RAT by Naragot

    Hi Here is the description in English of my trading strategies: Impulse strategies were changed a few months ago and now they are news trading systems. I'll change the description soon :) My entire blog is in Russian. I am afraid that if I'd...
  12. Naragot

    [DARWIN] YZZ by thic

    Hello If you want to know more about YZZ's strategy and you are okay with google translate from Russian (he-he-he-he) here is a good link:
  13. Naragot

    Sticky Introduce Yourself

    Hello here I am a FX trader with 4 years of profitable public trading and a manager of DARWIN RAT in Darwinex, PAMMs in Alpari and some other brokers =)