Recent content by MORRIS2001

  1. M

    Death of SB

    Too true. If we look at the evolution of marketing in the gaming industry we can see that they are embracing the 'fun' aspect more and more as their pitch. The vast majority of spread betters who survive the initial first contact are no different but I can't see an industry which has spent...
  2. M

    Trading robots that work - real or not?

    Yes and No. Not a very helpful answer but the true one. At the one end of the scale you have any old system that will work at a given moment of market conditions, just like any trader can hit a moment when their style of trading, however bad, is aligned with the market. While at the other end...
  3. M

    Death of SB

    To be fair to IG, I personally don't ever recall them saying you could make pots of money. You've never been permitted to say such a thing. However, the retail trader has always been enticed by unregulated third party vendors who have made such wild claims. Along with social media traders who...
  4. M

    Death of SB

    Not sure I fully understand that. Most brokers have been capping total loss at zero balance for a few years now. Plus, the '**** or bust' punt has always been the most common trade as the majority of people who have spread bet accounts have it for the purpose of gambling. Part of the issue...
  5. M

    Death of SB

    Certainly a starting point would be to ascertain what constitutes a live account? It's basically any old account that has been 'active' in the last 12 months on a rolling basis. I'm not sure what 'active' means. To me it is someone who is logging in regularly and has been executing trades...
  6. M

    Death of SB

    Denham was a quality broker. I'm just surprised at how some firms have got their data as low as 80%. Showing one's workings would be a beneficial step in that regard. The system as it stands is somewhat flawed as the fact that the majority of clients only go long will have a strong skew...
  7. M

    Death of SB

    These numbers will be interesting, especially if they do start to become part of a marketing angle. You would expect that particular number to decrease if a firm is moving as many of its speculative punters out to a non-EU license. It's Plus500's, 80% that has surprised me greatly as to how...
  8. M

    Death of SB

    This in spades. You have various types of clients out there but by far the most common is the chap with little in the way of funds expecting to make returns capable of funding a lifestyle from that small pot. This enormous group of traders are the group that, alongside the pure gamblers...
  9. M

    Death of SB

    I slightly disagree with this perspective. The biggest cause of losses that turn an account negative isn't the 'Death by 1000 Cuts' scenario that you outline but the market sell off events, such as what we saw back in Feb. From a broker's perspective that is when we see over leverage wreak its...
  10. M

    Social / Mirror / Copy Trading: what are your experiences and views?

    Copy Trading The key to copy trading lies in 2 key areas. Firstly, using a broker/platform that permits you to control all aspects of your own following while also filtering out the tat by not permitting certain known shabby practices. Secondly, the total recognition that no trader makes...
  11. M

    Difference between spread betting and CFDs?

    Yes. The Gib firm is ProSpreads. They can offer a 'DMA' style product due to not being subject to UK gaming tax which is what halts it as a marketing tool here. Semantically, there is no such thing as a DMA CFD as they are still OTCs where the counter party is the issuer of the OTC. They are...
  12. M

    Difference between spread betting and CFDs?

    Apologies. I thought that when you used the term 'relatively' you were implying that there were differences but there aren't. The mechanisms are singular and identical. Linking the hedging aspect away from the 'house' being the counterparty to a clearer doesn't change the structure. That's all.
  13. M

    Difference between spread betting and CFDs?

    Nope. Those are still OTC contracts and their structure is unchanged. Prior to deciding to take the marketing decision to roll out 'Dma' as a product it already had existed since the first doors opened. I'll give you a clue by telling you the system was originally called 'auto-hedge' ;). But...
  14. M

    Best Thread Capital Spreads

    I suspect that they now have almost nothing in cash. It's fast looking like it's not long for this life. Charles strikes again.
  15. M

    Difference between spread betting and CFDs?

    In a very simplistic answer there is no difference. They are the exact same OTC just that one is packaged to favour UK tax law on betting and so there are legacy differences in terminology and end structure. Having said that, almost all OTC brokers who have set up post circa 2005 and aren't a...