Recent content by Mom0/pH0x

  1. M

    LSE commision/stamp duty from outside uk?

    ok, i am very interested in scalping LSE shares, my question is whether or not the stamp duty will apply to somone who is 1)trading intra day through a direct access custody system and is 2) outside of the uk in my brief conversation with the firm they said that the only transaction cost was...
  2. M

    Starting your Own Prop-Firm

    i thought noone gets married in sweeden?
  3. M


    ANYONE??!!! i promise my tits are huge and my ass is like an upsidedown heart....will someone repond now?
  4. M


    yes fully backed and pref. salaried, i dont care so much about futs or stocks, as long as trading is outright/directional...thanks in advance..
  5. M


    good god, is that all the more helpful this board is??? would it help if i told you i had really big tits and a nice ass??? because i do, now will you share?
  6. M


    :confused: Anyone know of any firms in japan? If not japan then thailand? i know swift is in china but dont care... :arrowd: thanks in advance...