Recent content by Mike T

  1. M

    Peakbars and Troughbars functions

    I'd like to try and understand these functions better,so does anyone have coding or logic for these - i.e. how are these functions being calculated? Many thanks. Mike
  2. M

    What is CLOSE at First Bar and Last Bar

    Thanks Sven, Yes,it works.I've just used it in Explorer. Thanks.Much appreciated. Mike
  3. M

    What is CLOSE at First Bar and Last Bar

    Using the Metastock language,I'd like to find the difference between the CLOSE value of the last bar loaded and the CLOSE value of the first bar loaded,so: CLOSE at last bar - CLOSE at first bar FWIW, the no of bars loaded is given by cum(1) Can you refer to specific bars? The Ref()...