Recent content by MichielZ

  1. M

    Astrology Trading?

    I use astrology for trading but only for stock markets and not for bonds, forex or commodities. The astrological events I use seem to work with stocks, but not on other markets. The only thing I have found to be working for currencies is the Mars-Saturn cycle, but it is not exact enough for me...
  2. M

    What are the ephemerides and how do they help us?

    Dear Mirabo, Thanks for your interesting article, but something is not clear to me.... What are your criteria to say that a planet reaches its bottom/top of your cycle? You state that for Jupiter and Saturn you use the longitude. Saturn reaches its high in May 2008, when it is at 01-02...
  3. M

    Do moon phases influence financial markets?

    I think the influence of the full moon is overrated. I use the moon as a timing tool but use other events: maximum/minimum declination and apogee/perigee. Enter all the occurrences of maximum declination, minimum declination, apogee, perigee, full moon, new moon and moon eclipse in a speadsheet...
  4. M

    The Dutch corner 2009.

    Voor de fans van Astro Cycles van Larry Pesavento heb ik een theorie. Het schoot gisteren zomaar door mijn hoofd. Ik ben nog niet zo lang bezig met astronomie en de beurs en ben dus zeker geen expert. Stelling: we hebben de top van de huidige bull cyclus gehad. De top was dus begin mei...
  5. M

    The Dutch corner 2009.

    Ik ben net begonnen met me te verdiepen in astronomie en de beurs. Venus gaat retrograde van 8 okt tot 18 nov. Ik kwam het volgende tegen op Venus goes retrograde every 18 months and will be retrograde until November 18. Venus retrograde tends to correlate...
  6. M

    The Dutch corner 2009. Is nog gratis ook.... We blijven toch Hollanders :D
  7. M

    The Dutch corner 2009.

    Hoi Pippin, Even een quote uit een van mijn Gann-bronnen: The following dates should be watched for important changes in the major trend of all individual stocks and stock market averages or indices. If any stock makes top or bottom around any of these dates, you can anticipate a reversal in...
  8. M

    The Dutch corner 2009.

    21 september is weer een belangrijke GANN-dag. Hopelijk wordt het een top en krijgen we dan een daling tot onder de lows van dit kalenderjaar. Ik heb mijn wensenlijst al klaar.
  9. M

    The Dutch corner 2009.

    Re: plaatjes vullen geen........ Nou het is vandaag zover. Het zal mij benieuwen. D-day of niet...
  10. M

    Hang seng In down side territory.

    The HSI has been in a trading range between 19400 and 22800 as of July 2009. We have been above it a little, but it was not enough to be a real break-out. Other major world indices put new highs in January and April/March, but the HSI did not. I expect a positive HSI this spring and a...