Recent content by michaeltyler

  1. M

    Boiler Room Scams

    Morgan Finch was owned by Michael Shumak of Toronto Ontario. Michael Shumak used a proxy who is now dead but Shumak met some of Morgans biggest clients in Barcelona. He used Michael Kashyn as a name. He is currently working in a boiler room in Toronto selling diamonds for investments.
  2. M

    Wallstreet1928 and his new scheme -deleted

    I am writing to inform shareholders of small cap OTC stocks there is a scam being run by a company posing as Consumer Advocates. Its name is Economic Frauds Inc. and its domain is Economic Frauds Inc / Committing to educate, warn & protect. They mask their web hosting using a company called...
  3. M

    Sticky Introduce Yourself

    Hi I'm Michael From canada