Recent content by melsen

  1. M

    Trading, planning for the future, pensions.

    I have the exact same views as you jtrader. Completely. I'm also hoping to be able to use this a as a way to improve my financial situation later. I just have a problem which is to actually get started... I read page up and page down and get confused as hell to say the least... hehe What...
  2. M

    First steps - Recommendations.

    I've read the first steps guides more than once now... and have got a little insight. Now.. aside from paper trading.. I'm starting small... I got 500£ stacked away which I plan on trying to dabble a bit with once I get the basic hang of this... but what should I dive into. I first thought...
  3. M

    Being a Danish newbie doesn't help when there is foreign terms written.

    hehehe... Well, thank you so much. That certainly is a nice compliment. And as for SunSeeker... thanks for telling me... I think I'll send him a PM right away.
  4. M

    Request for a Glossary here in the first steps forum.

    Oh yeah... I just checked that.. that IS big.. thanks for the link Ricter =)
  5. M

    Being a Danish newbie doesn't help when there is foreign terms written.

    Oh.. and thank you all for the replies... appreciate it.
  6. M

    Being a Danish newbie doesn't help when there is foreign terms written.

    Oh my GOD.. yet another confusing thing.... You can actually SELL stocks/shares you don't even have??! Amazing.. I had no clue about that.
  7. M

    Being a Danish newbie doesn't help when there is foreign terms written.

    Hrmm... I see. Well.. that added another step to my confusion.. especially when combined with FTSE's guide... after having viewed the graphs and so on, to see how the climbed and fell, to learn how to understand support, resistance and trendlines... then I would already in his guide have...
  8. M

    Request for a Glossary here in the first steps forum.

    DUH! I'm so sorry about that... I seriously hadn't thought about looking there.. I simply glanced at the forums. Thank you very much for the help.
  9. M

    Request for a Glossary here in the first steps forum.

    I think it would be awesome if there was some sort of stickied thread here in the forum that had a glossary in it. Basically explaning various words so even a 4 year old could understand them. I often bump into abbreviations (spelling?) and words I simply have no idea what mean and therefor...
  10. M

    Being a Danish newbie doesn't help when there is foreign terms written.

    I'm sitting here reading various posts on the forum to get as much knowledge as possible. One thing I simply haven't understood is the term , to "go long"... ?!?!? Sorry if that seems like a totally moronic question, but I'd rather ask one time too many to make sure I understand, than take a...
  11. M

    First day in the business - It is for me, so how do I get started?

    Oh this is awesome.. thanks a bunch for the references.... And let me just say again... I'm thrilled to see how friendly and helpful people here are. This certainly seems to be a really friendly community.
  12. M

    First day in the business - It is for me, so how do I get started?

    Well... I don't know if I decided... I'm just trying to be realistic and don't jump overly anxiously into the business, risking too much and losing too much. Oh actually I have quite a positive view of my capeabilities... if I didn't believe I could become good enough at this to make money on...
  13. M

    First day in the business - It is for me, so how do I get started?

    Thank you very much for your replies. Let me point out first that I hadn't ever imagined becoming good enough at this to actually earn so much money that I could quit my day-time job... who knows.. maybe I will, yet that wasn't the plan. My financial goals aren't something I would imagine...
  14. M

    First day in the business - It is for me, so how do I get started?

    Greetings readers, Let me first start out by apologizing for any possible spelling errors or grammatical errors. English isn't my first language, so I'm going to try and write this to the best of my abilities. I'm 29 years old and live in Denmark. I have a normal income and have started...