Recent content by MarvinS

  1. M

    Worldspreads upgraded!

    I suppose each SB firm has its own unique crapness and good points. I won't comment on CMC as they have done very well, but just slagging them off as every other client i have spoken to seems to moan about them. Have you tried saxo bank or gft, their platforms are superb!
  2. M

    Worldspreads upgraded!

    Come on guys lets not get personal here * just to clarify i once worked in the spread betting industry and i am trying to share my experiences. Whether you believe them to be wrong i can only tell you from someone that has worked in the industry for 6 years and worked with one of the first SB...
  3. M

    Worldspreads upgraded!

    I worked at Fins for a while and as far as i am aware they ran a rather large book on FTSE 100 shares. The small cap stuff they would look to back to back, however alot of their risk was offset with IFX's CFD desk. I don't know what they do things now as they are now City Index, but i am sure...
  4. M

    Worldspreads upgraded!

    Yeah and i believe him too! What would you call a big hitter? £100 or 200 a point... You are absolutely right there are some relatively large sized clients around, to give an example when i was on the options desk at fins we had a client that wanted to write £100k per point of an S&P option...
  5. M

    Worldspreads upgraded!

    Mate, CS/IG/CMC/WS/FINS - they are all spread betting companies and they don't hedge your business! They rely on 2 way business and people that eventually churn themselves to death or novices. Do you really think a pro would trade with a SB firm? My point being whats the difference between CS...
  6. M

    Worldspreads upgraded!

    Sorry I am at the other side of banking, my bank is an investment bank. I would presume retail banks in the UK skim alot off the top. In fact in HK its free to transfer money same day, but the UK banking system is so so so archaic. Banks make their money from the flow of funds, i presume it...
  7. M

    Worldspreads upgraded!

    You should see it on the institutional side of things! Some banks won't even spit on you if your on fire if you do not have the balance sheet. Its not a case of being grateful or ungrateful, it is the industry in general. Manipulation is part of every biz! Its just how its done and on what scale...
  8. M

    Worldspreads upgraded!

    :o Because i left!
  9. M

    Worldspreads upgraded!

    Still complaining but you are trading with them! Best thing to do is trade, make money, and keep your mouth shut! How's that for advice...
  10. M

    Worldspreads upgraded!

    In the whole scheme of things is it really going to cause the Sun and the Moon to fizzle out. If you don't like it trade with IG, they are the same spreads.
  11. M

    Worldspreads upgraded!

    Still in Hong Kong yes! No i am working for a Bank out here, but i am not going to say whom as i don't want any of you opening accounts lol... Still trading PA!
  12. M

    Worldspreads upgraded!

    I agree to increase spreads or costs is not good, however if you hold up your hands and say we as a company cannot afford to offer 1 pip spreads in certain markets, however what we will do is bring some of the markets that we offer 1 pip spreads, inline with the rest of the competition. If...
  13. M

    Worldspreads upgraded!

    So true, in fact lets make it clear spread betting companies are in the business of making money from their spreads! What is wrong with that? Some traders choose to trade via a spread and even if they are paying more in spread or comms, it can balance out in the long run. Spread betting would...
  14. M

    Worldspreads upgraded!

    Hi Chaps, I will be honest making a 1 pip spread on the Dow futures is hard enough, in effect you are going better than the markets best bid/offer. I do not think it is the markets volatilty that is a cause for concern, more so the fact that clients are making money on a 1 pip spread on the...
  15. M

    Worldspreads upgraded!

    I disagree that the 1 pip spreads offering was a loss leader! In fact it raised some eyebrows in the spread betting market and FX markets. All in all this was good for you the traders, as other firms reacted. I agree with the statement that it was unsustainable to a certain degree, as any...