Recent content by london88

  1. london88

    Most important commodities and Mediterranean cities for physical trading?

    I guess Laser626 found his sandy beach close to large port!! We will probably never know where he settled for!
  2. london88

    Cityindex; beware!

    This is just one of the risks of using Market Makers! They make the market and are out to get you!!
  3. london88

    China's real estate bubble - yes or no?

    Hgh where are you based, I am in Beijing.
  4. london88

    China running out of money

    They are printing money but this time round any stimulus would not have the same impact as it did 4 years ago. Much of the infrastructure has been build new, new stations, new airports, subways... Where do they go from here?
  5. london88

    Sucessful Profitable Spreadbetting - The way I do it

    Likewise, poor show! I want my money back!
  6. london88

    Is the Futures trading risky?

    Stops must be part of your money management strategy and setting a defined exit strategy before you enter the trade will ensure you get out with what you went in for. Yes noise will on occasions stop you out but you can't run a profitable trade indefinitely?? Could stagger the exit..
  7. london88

    China running out of money

    Any thoughts, quite interesting? Gordon Chang thinks so. 8/12/2012 @ 4:14PM China Is Running Out Of Money Last week’s release of disappointing economic and trade data for July has, predictably, renewed calls for additional stimulus. In May, Beijing ramped up its support for the economy...
  8. london88

    Sucessful Profitable Spreadbetting - The way I do it

    Why are you still here??
  9. london88

    Sucessful Profitable Spreadbetting - The way I do it

    What about China? You prob don't have the faintest of ideas and all you know is what is in the news!! No Substance...
  10. london88

    Sucessful Profitable Spreadbetting - The way I do it

    Would like to know the origin of this expression, old boss was always banging on about Mickey mouse this and Mickey mouse that.
  11. london88

    Best EOD one off purchase charting software?

    I use excel at the moment and am happy with it, I keep things simple. I am just trying a few more out of curiosity and if I find something that can complement excel then even better Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  12. london88

    Best EOD one off purchase charting software?

    Might have to give it a try I found the ninjatrader interface not that comfortable to use. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  13. london88

    Best EOD one off purchase charting software?

    By the looks of things neoticker is now On 30-day demo, giving Ninjatrader a shot first Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  14. london88

    Best EOD one off purchase charting software?

    Looking for something similar any luck?
  15. london88

    China's real estate bubble - yes or no?

    Damn thing won't le me edit, "significant decrease in prices"