Recent content by leighthompson

  1. L

    Mr Spread Betting is back, be careful everyone

    . . . hope you include Gregg Secker on it (Knowlegdge to action, Learn to Trade- worst of them all IMHO! - and any thoughts on Trading College (Lee Sandford), Darren Winters (WinInvesting) and Alpesh Patel? All excellent self promoters that is for sure. I find Zacks-TA service to be quite...
  2. L

    Mr Spread Betting is back, be careful everyone

    Unfortunately, it seems Zak Mir (directly) and (indirectly) have been caught out by this person. Spreadbet Magazine should obviously take some heat for their lack of suitable screening of this contributer, but it is unfair to include in any of these discussions. They have...