Recent content by lawless23456

  1. L

    help me with account

    i have done a business studies a level course and we did a couple of modules about trading but unfortunately they did not cover the different types of accounts so this is mainly where im struggling as there are so many different types, just wanna know a sharedealing account with my bank is the...
  2. L

    help me with account

    my bank offers a sharedealing account from which i can carry out transactions etc is this the same as a brokerage account? or am i way off the mark here?
  3. L

    help me with account

    hi all im just getting into the market and just wondering i have heard people mention an account on here, i presume when they say account they are referring to a sharedealing account? or am i completly off the mark? my aim is to start small with somewhere in the region of £200-£500 lawless
  4. L

    best software for a mac?

    hi all i am using a mac and wondering what is the best software out there specifically for mac as i do not wish to run windows on my mac, if neccesary i will buy a seperate windows pc for trading