Recent content by knowledgeseeker123

  1. K

    Would a more experienced options trader help me understand the flaw in my logic? Thanks.

    If you sell a Put at 374 and buy one lower, at 373 this is a PCS (Put Credit Spread). If you sold that PCS for $8 you are correct, you want to buy it back for less than that. The difference is your profit (less commissions, charges etc) So placing a GTC order for a lower value is a sensible...
  2. K

    Took courses with Van Tharp, Chris Capre, Magnetic Trading (Mark Austin & Cameron Malik) etc. etc.

    Thanks for taking the time to write this Lesly, I followed the link to Medium and read your whole post. Good you've now found peace of mind. Sometimes you can spend your whole life climbing the ladder only to find it was up against the wrong wall. (not my quote but can't remember the source)