John Person

John Person is a 26-year veteran of the Futures and Options Trading industry and President of He is the author of The Complete Guide to Technical Analysis for the Futures Markets, by John Wiley and Sons and the author of "Trading Triggers - The Secrets to Profitable Trading" an advanced trading course. The Nations most respected business journalists call John Person for his market opinions. He is widely quoted by CBS Market Watch, , Reuters, Dow Jones Newswires, Futures Magazine, Washington Post, Working Money, CNBC as well as others. John Person has applied his knowledge and advice throughout the years by presenting Keynote Speeches and Seminars at some of the Countries Top National Investment Expos. His daily commentaries appear on the Chicago Board of Trade's website. In 1998, he developed his own proprietary trading system and began publishing "The Bottom-Line Financial and Futures Newsletter", a weekly commodity publication that incorporates fundamental developments as well as technical analysis that includes the data from his trading system, using pivot points combined with candlesticks.John is running a seminar in London during March of 2007. More details here


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