Recent content by JoelJ

  1. J

    Day traders making 50+% returns per month lets talk money managment

    Looks good :) Now you just have to keep it up...indefinitely!!! I'm not a chart person myself... although if you did get your 50% pcm then no doubt my ears would prick up ;) rootin for ya
  2. J

    Day traders making 50+% returns per month lets talk money managment

    I *think* what Ted means is that many CFD companies can have a vested interest in the trading that you do, which means that the more money you make, the more they lose. Obviously, they're gonna have to do something if they see themselves losing money over you... I guess either messing with...
  3. J

    Day traders making 50+% returns per month lets talk money managment

    Glad to hear it's not a Martingale :) How do I approach the market? Answer: with much trepidation! :eek: Actually, my recent thoughts have been a somewhat analogous to yours, that is, recently I have been thinking that perhaps a simple risk-management strategy could work. I have yet to...
  4. J

    Day traders making 50+% returns per month lets talk money managment

    hello, IMHO, 30 days backtesting is of no value whatsoever. It doesn't take into account recent (unexpected) variation that could have occurred this month, never mind the expected seasonal variation (i.e. over the year). Personally I'd want 3 years of backtesting to begin having confidence...