Recent content by joe4422

  1. J

    Best Trading indicators

    Everyone always says price is the best indicator, but if you find something that helps, then it help. I like MACD with 5,9,2, settings, and I look for divergences. I also like the squeeze indicator, and market internals.
  2. J

    VAL/H and POC for ES, daily 1yr+

    Don't read mind over markets, read the original work. You can find it here: Scroll down to the bottom of the page to item number 8. You'll find it there in PDF download form.
  3. J

    New penny stock value website

    Just wanted to share. Doesn't focus on penny stocks exactly, but value stocks that are under a buck or so. :cheesy::clap: Got me into RZ yesterday, and I'm happy so far.
  4. J

    Oanda - why you could lose all your funds

    So basically, Oanda can't use your money for their own trading, but if they go bankrupt, priority creditors, of whom you aren't one, can take your money. Is this correct?
  5. J, SCAM?

    Demos are always easier, and so is hindsight trading. I don't know why this question is asked so much really? It's obvious guys. If you could consistently make 10% per day, you would very quickly be on of the richest people in the world. You would not share your system with anyone. You may...
  6. J

    Advice on investment strategies

    Can he not park his pounds in a bank account, or a CD or something. Many who fear the rally many have reached a top are now looking at the industrial or agricultural sectors.
  7. J

    Live Trading Rooms is having a free webinar tomorrow about ES trading techniques, and stocks as well
  8. J

    how long did it take?

    2 years of full time practice, and a mentor
  9. J

    I have $100 to begin with, where shall I open an account to trade ?

    I don't know how they could offer a tight spread on the Dow futures and not charge a commission. Something is fishy there.
  10. J

    Placing Stops

    I think the biggest problem with stops, is that so many put stops in the same place. I prefer to use a much larger than usual stop, and just use a smaller position size.
  11. J

    Anyone Looked at This?

    For arbitrage you'll also need a supercomputer, about 100 of them. Arbitrage is not open to the retail investor. You'll be trying to grab oppurtunities ahead of super computers and large trading institutions designed solely for this purpose. They have billions, they pay almost no commission...
  12. J

    Fibonacci extensions

    Just to add a real comment here, I use them all the time for targets. Intraday and swings as well
  13. J

    E-mini trading education

    Just find something that works and keeping doing it until it stops working. Too easy.
  14. J

    Newb needs feedback on "Trade Tech Institute"

    I think it's weird that everyone posting here has only 1 post, yet rather than spamming this site you almost seem to be slagging it. Sounds like a scam of scams. It's always easy to spot a scam, because it seems like one. Stay away. I've never used the advanced GET from esignal, but they...
  15. J


    Sounds pretty spammy, kind of like this post. There are tons of websites out there. They should all over you something of value for free first and then you can determine whether or not they're useful. Do they help you consistently make money?