Recent content by Iconoclast1978

  1. I

    How can you know?

    The thing I found about back testing is I am not nearly as good at it as I am at actual trading. No real risk. The chart speed is at your control so you can wizz along and test as opposed to the endless slow scrutinising of real time price action. I've given up back testing. Forward testing is...
  2. I

    Climate Change

    While I think we should treat the planet and nature with the utmost care and respect; climate change, IMO, is a large pile of horse s***. And no we should not trust NASA. I trust NASA about as much as I trust TicTok which aint a lot.
  3. I

    Turned £193 into £2100 in 18 days and then lost £900 of it yesterday on last day.

    If only I could do exactly that.. Whatever "that" is ;-) £100 down so far today...
  4. I

    Turned £193 into £2100 in 18 days and then lost £900 of it yesterday on last day.

    Not as great as yesterday. I bought and sold CGC during the U.S period and picked the pivots with stupid accuracy. Made £350 profit with a starting balance of £350. Possibly the best trading I've ever done.
  5. I

    Turned £193 into £2100 in 18 days and then lost £900 of it yesterday on last day.

    I mainly trade the U.S period but I will do a sneaky low risk medium gain one in UK time too. Currently shorting gold for example and half way to mark.
  6. I

    Should I purchase BTC right now?

    No one can answer that question with any certainty whatsoever. BTC is approaching it's halving cycle so at the moment there is a buzz about it as historically it increases in value around this time. That said, BTC is high as hell right now and it's never wise to buy until it dips. There is a...
  7. I

    Turned £193 into £2100 in 18 days and then lost £900 of it yesterday on last day.

    You nailed it. Except for the gold bit. Did try and short Cocoa though earlier this week and took a hit. I've been scanning around for volume with a bit of positive or negative news on stocks whilst diversifying my pot into 1 or sometimes 2 other instruments and just moving the profit around...
  8. I

    Turned £193 into £2100 in 18 days and then lost £900 of it yesterday on last day.

    Got to find a way of stopping this from happening. Traded exceptionally well all month minus a couple of hitches. I didn't get any luck on my side or bad luck against me. Nor was I burned for the odd minor oversight... until yesterday. I felt off, tired, over engrossed. In the back of my...
  9. I

    Over trading

    You are right, it's a crap idea. I'll slip right back into my old ways within days at the most. 3pm till 7pm. 3 trades max. 1:1 to 1:10 risk to reward. 1 hour screen time max either side then switch off. At least I'll be able to journal this. 20 scalps in a day is impossible to record. I...
  10. I

    Over trading

    Regarding limiting myself to set trades wont work; the point is that I need to make it work as a matter of discipline because if I cannot develop that discipline then I cannot succeed. If that one rule is unbreakable in my mind and I do not break it then I am very likely to succeed. If I can't...
  11. I

    Over trading

    You are absolutely right and I get where you're coming from. I like what you're saying about refining my setup. I have numerous systems and triggers that I use. I will devise an approach that reduces my ability to pull the trigger unless numerous confluences are presented. I have to get up...
  12. I

    Over trading

    Hi Tim, I trade US natural gas,, US tech100 and sometimes the FTSE100. The occasional currency pair if one of my alerts is triggered. I generally day trade but sometimes leave them to swing. I was thinking along those line. Maybe trading only at 2-4pm and 6-7pm. Allowing myself x2 trades in...
  13. I

    Over trading

    Hello all. I have a massive over trading problem. It is the last battle I need to conquer to become consistently profitable. My currently predicament is I break even nearly every month. I have a couple of other regular incomes that just about keep my bills paid so this is not the end of the...
  14. I

    New strategy seems to work - PICS

    Hi all. Basically I don't know about you but I've been struggling with the markets from a swing trading point of view. Everything is either so high you daren't go long but it keeps getting higher (USD/JPY) or the opposite; so I've gone back to scalping. This system seems to work well both in...
  15. I

    How to speed up practise trading?

    Any recommendations? I'm still new but I've put in the hours. I'm getting there. All alone in my trading gets a bit psychologically sapping. My wife is sick of being called over to the charts lol..