Recent content by harryp

  1. H

    Duncan Robertson - Chief Wizard

    You are a pathetic LITTLE man socrates ! ................and everybody knows it ! [even Skim]
  2. H

    Duncan Robertson - Chief Wizard

    Nobody wants to bully you Skim. You've chosen to support socrates from day 1 despite him being the real bully. Why are you still supporting him ?
  3. H

    Advantages of Selling v Buying Premium

    So sellers make more than buyers ? I'm not going to start looking up your posts on the subject but you have made it pretty clear that in your opinion selling premium is the only way to go about making a profit from options. This is a common misconception. Sell a ftse future and you do'nt have...
  4. H

    The Journey from the Basement

    You're missing the point re the benefits of selling premium in a mkt where vol is steadily decreasing otherwise you would'nt have dismissed my original comment. If windle is selling premium it means he is going short. The way in which the position is closed does'nt change anything [ if you...
  5. H

    Can all traders be successful traders?

    If 5 guys sit down to play poker can they all win ?
  6. H

    The Journey from the Basement

    Tony, Lets presume that in Jan 2003 with the ftse at 4000 and vols at 25% windle sold an atm call option with 30 days to run and received X. !2 months later ftse is again at 4000 vol is at 15% and he does the identical trade. Does he receive X ? Of course not , he gets much less. When...
  7. H

    The Journey from the Basement

    Windle Someone said that a rising stockmarket makes every investor a financial genius. Do'nt you think that your success at selling premium over the last eighteen months has got a lot to do with collapsing vols ?
  8. H

    The Journey from the Basement

    I thought so. What caught my eye was your comment "when everyone realises how good options are.......... " Are you trading indices or equities ?
  9. H

    The Journey from the Basement

    Windle If you're concerned about volatility dropping does that mean you are a seller of premium ?
  10. H

    'No indicators' revisited

    Now you're rubbing salt into this terrible wound ...................... you see this is the whole point ........................everybody AND their personas knew all along ................. I feel so foolish
  11. H

    FTSE 100: why 10+ years under performance?

    I think theres a bit more to it than just being associated with a method of gambling
  12. H

    'No indicators' revisited

    You're enjoying my discomfort ................. and do'nt pretend you're not ! It has even been suggested to me that you are one of his other personae ? Nothing would surprise me after todays revelations !
  13. H

    'No indicators' revisited

    This has all come as a terrible shock . He seemed so earnest .................... I am seeing my therapist tomorrow, hopefully he will help me make sense of this awful situation.
  14. H

    'No indicators' revisited

    You might think its amusing. I certainly do'nt ! This scoundrel has destroyed my life ! I feel like a perfect donkey !