Recent content by GriffinCO

  1. G

    Help me pick a market based on my strengths

    Lots of great advice here. Thank you all for the recommendations and insight. Love the book suggestions I'vereadthemall...certainly appeals to my research-oriented nature (being well-prepared makes it easier to proceed with confidence when I see everything come together.) And EXCELLENT point...
  2. G

    Help me pick a market based on my strengths

    This is fantastic insight, just the kind of advice I'm looking for. Especially the parts about trend trading and risk management when I "know" I'm right. I think it was Sun Tzu that said, "Know the market and know yourself and in a 1000 trades you never blow up your account." Or something...
  3. G

    Help me pick a market based on my strengths

    Hi All, New to all the "New" stickies and "Essentials" threads. There is way too much information to try to learn everything about every market. Would love some help narrowing down the fire hose and choosing a market to get started with based on my strengths. So here's a...