Recent content by GreyingSurfer

  1. G

    Hi Helen, Just to say many thanks for all the work you put into the site over the past couple of years. It was a great resource, and I'm very sorry it's going.
  2. G

    Anyone know of good EOD charting software for multiple mkts?

    Thanks JT. Asking me to enable SierraCharts was the first thing I noticed too. When I opened up the MyTrack app itself (for the first time in months) I got the "You are cancelled" message. It sounds like a more general problem than just me if you are getting it too. I've emailed them, but I...
  3. G

    Anyone know of good EOD charting software for multiple mkts?

    Hi JT, How is MT behaving this morning for you? I'm getting a message saying I've been "cancelled" even though they've taken my sub this month! I can't get any response on the "support" channels either. Anyone else having problems? Peter
  4. G


    I keep up a delayed MT sub. Firstly because I use it to fill in missing data if I have system problems and my Sierra/IB feed data has a gap. I know I could now do this with SCMagic, but this is how I've always done it! Secondly, it allows me to collect data for research purposes from exchanges...
  5. G

    Interactive Broker

    And don't forget the demo account: login is user: edemo, password: demouser
  6. G

    New IB API release

    Paul, I get the SSL option, I just can't log in if I use it. I'm using the latest version of java (1.4.2_03-b02). I also use the CH server, not one of the US ones. I've not found anyone who is not using a US server who has ever managed to log in with SSL, so I'm assuming that is normal. When IB...
  7. G

    New IB API release

    I don't want to be on the US server, and anyway resintalling doesn't do that, even if it suggests that it does, you need to email tech support to get your server changed. I want to been the CH server, as it's faster for me, and I'd also like SSL, as it offers extra security. However, IB don't...
  8. G

    New IB API release

    Gary, Good to hear there's a Uk IB rep. Perhaps you can answer a question I've asked many times on the IB discussion board, but which never gets answered! SSL appears to have been rolled out only on the US servers. Can you tell me when it's going to be rolled out on the CH and HK ones?
  9. G

    Dax futures Monday 10 May

    Has anyone got a Dax futures feed this morning? Neither MT or IB are giving me anything ATM.There was some preopen bid/ask movement in IB, but no trades, and now even that's disappeared.
  10. G

    Sierra/IB Feed

    Les, coming a little late to this, but I'm frankly amazed at the symptoms you are seeing! It seems to suggest Sierra is buffering the data, but how it's managing to do it for 2 mins is beyond me. No doubt memoery will help, but I'm not entirely sure it will solve this one. You might find it...
  11. G

    API link to IB

    Rob, I haven't much to add to what's been said. However, I've never used Excel or VB for API programming, I use C++, though if I was starting without all my historical baggage I'd almost certainly be using java. In general either of those would be better in the long run, easier to use and more...
  12. G


    Yes, if each computer ran a scanner that read data on 40 stocks from IB, processed it in someway and then expirted the results to the rest of the network then there is no way that the data provider could know. However, I'm not sure there's much advantage, you would still need an IB account per PC!
  13. G


    Juan, I also autotrade with IB (using the C++ API). I code whatever indicators I want to use. I'm not sure how easy it would be to transfer indicator values from other sources, and would you trust them anyway? Frankly the work involved in coding most indicator is trivial in comparison to the...
  14. G

    IB data proposed setup

    Just to expand on JT's remarks, Sierra keeps EOD and intraday charts separately, and in a different format. Importing to EOD charts is easy, to intraday charts is possible, but harder, you need one of the 3rd party programs available for doing so.
  15. G

    IB DOM (depth of market)

    Quercus You can get it here: The IB freelance tools board is worth keeping an eye on for discussion and links. The latest thread is here (you will need to be registered...