Recent content by Gavin_ron

  1. G

    Simple trading tools changed my life

    RSI is one I swear by too.
  2. G

    Simplest Forex trading strategy for beginners

    That's a good list. Indeed all these points combined, will help a trader do good in forex.
  3. G


    Well I would say, better work on improving your skills than relying on someone.
  4. G

    Sticky I'm New To TRADING - Where Do I Start?

    Demo trading is no doubt important but for 6 months would be fine too if you do it with some dedication. Meanwhile you can start trading in a micro account too.
  5. G

    How to develop a trading mindset?

    Correct. Trading without a plan is like too tough for me now.
  6. G

    FAQ Which Books should a Beginner Read?

    I have read some of these. They are some really good ones.
  7. G

    FAQ What is Technical and Fundamental Analysis?

    Yeah. Many times people tend to focus on one type of analysis and leave the other. But we should consider both for better results.
  8. G

    Sticky I'm New To TRADING - Where Do I Start?

    First test your strategies on a demo account, If they turn out positive, then start trading on a real account, however don't quit demo altogether. You might need it for back testing. So be patient and keep practicing.
  9. G

    Trading Other Peoples Money - What is allowed?

    I would agree with you. Better to play safe.
  10. G

    Can anyone recomend a good trading course?

    Nothing like babypips for a beginner. One can learn from scratch on babypips. Some youtube channels seem helpful too.
  11. G

    FAQ How Difficult is it to Trade?

    Take some break off trading when you are too emotional, go for a walk and try to meditate everyday.
  12. G

    Sticky I'm New To T2W - Where Do I Start?

    Well you are at the right place. Trade2win is a great forum to learn.
  13. G

    New member

    Hey stephanwolf ,Welcome to trade2win forum.
  14. G

    The most important thing in trading

    Indeed that is ! It helps you trade efficiently within all boundaries and rules.