Recent content by fx_phantom

  1. F

    Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

    Hi DJ or Tose, I have a few ideas, could you help me with these modifications to the Super Corrie FX Correlator please? 1. Could you enable the "Levels" under the Level Tab to be displayed. 2. Please see my screenshot: 3. Would it be possible to have a True...
  2. F

    Gomega Fx: Forex Trading Software

    I'm not sure I should write this regardless this is Not I repeat Not a recommendation of any of Quantum Research's products. I accidentally left my Gomegagbpjpy EA running yesterday during the "Dubai meltdown." To my surprise I secured the price of my EA :clap: and quickly...
  3. F

    Gomega Fx: Forex Trading Software

    heyfud972320 my advice with regards to any Gomega products do not go near them even with a barge pole, I'm certain the majority of their customers are dissatisfied with their plagiarised products. I hoped to be in a position where I could take the price of the EA from my profit, but the new EA...
  4. F

    Gomega Fx: Forex Trading Software

    Seguna, I agree with your points entirely, I just hope for the following: 1, Those Quantum Research guys pull out all the stops so I can say "These guys are the Dogs ******** and their Ad was not BS" or 2, I've given potential buyers of Quantum Research's next EA release a reason to...
  5. F

    Gomega Fx: Forex Trading Software

    Just for the record a quick pic of GoMega GBPJPY 4 Hr Version 2.12 displaying fxovereasy. New GoMega GBPJPY 4 Hr Version 2.15 released Sept 27th. Lets hope the important changes to the indicator formulas have dramatically enhanced the system performance. This sound like more of the same BS...
  6. F

    Gomega Fx: Forex Trading Software

    Jonathan, Just out of interest how many updates have you sent out for the gomegagbpjpy, since it's launch this year One or Zero? Where is your Support Forum which you spoke of during your BS Advertising, I recall you speaking of your members as a family? I've received more emails from Ken...
  7. F

    Gomega Fx: Forex Trading Software

    Gomega Trader Fx (Gomega GBP/JPY) I read all the hype ( How To Retire In 4 Years On Autopilot ) and thought, perhaps this is one of those bum EA's with a worthless guarantee. Regardless with very little information floating around the internet about Quantum Research I decided to put them to the...