Recent content by frog

  1. F

    Bush or Kerry?

    Misguided Planks and eyes come to mind. Who has got the contracts now? Where were the WMD? How about checking your own backyard? Do you write for The Sun? Only half a story in your long post and a rather biased half at that. Oh! I nearly forgot we're helping Arafat out now.Should be good for a...
  2. F

    VS truths

    No, 765€ thankyou. :twisted:
  3. F

    VS truths

    Benn Thanks for your comments. Though I fully appreciate and understand your take on vested interests and misrepresentation and infact would not condone these myself,I do believe that Roberto made a valid point about the the timing of the tape and it's relevance to current VS interests. As...
  4. F

    VS truths

    Former Trader? I believe the "former" refers to VS actualling trading in the stockmarket for an employer,before seeing the light and making a huge success on the back of his observations.Just working for yourself and taking on your responsibilities says something in any case. There is a very...
  5. F

    VS truths

    Well done Vince Another gap in the market.Well done Vince .Power to your elbow mate. So he is an affiliate,aren't we all we all in one form or another and how many attendees actually sign up through his referrer number on the date or through his website? More bitter and twisted people it...
  6. F

    Vince Stanzione Workbook

    As I have always stated ,I bought my VS kit in '98 for 100 quid and it's paid for itself many times over and my computer and all the other little things I couldn't have done otherwise.I had no access to the www at that time.In fact it was because of him that I duly bought a PC and went online...
  7. F

    Vince Stanzione Workbook

    Very rare '98 Edition :cheesy: I also have a 98 edition available but I am in France so don't know about postage. Any other traders down here in the Alpes Maritimes? Send me a pm bonne nuit Frog Simple comme bonjour :twisted:
  8. F

    Why Spread Bet?

    Salut Calvin, Thanks for your support.I quite agree with your sentiments,some people do seem to take things far too seriously and rather too far. How were the hols?Have had 2 weeks off myself for industrial weight diy and then a week off sick with a chest infection and more diy. Got back to T2W...
  9. F

    Why Spread Bet?

    Thanks Henry, Need all the luck I can get at the at the moment as I am really having a "break even" run. Didn't trade today not because I didn't want to but was trying to upgrade my internet connection from 512 to 2048(probably a blessing in disguise as it happens in view of the Dows...
  10. F

    Why Spread Bet?

    Spike-The Ex-hedgehog Hi all, Bloody quiet out there? Do you like kebabs? Hedgehog is delish, particularly when he can't tell north from south. Wish I'd stayed at work and ignored the screen. It's all Shrubs fault. Bonne nuit(too much much vin I'm afraid) S'later Tel Simple as hello! :cheesy:
  11. F

    Why Spread Bet?

    Rumbled! Yeah,it's been a couple of bad weeks but guess what?Sold earlier for +70 points and if you go further back into this thread I was doing ok. On the whole I do enough,but have experienced a problem with the Dow at 300 as it seems to play havoc with my trading rules,but hey! these...
  12. F

    Why Spread Bet?

    Calvin et al Hi chaps, Been very busy despite my 2 weeks holiday.SWMBO has given me an unduly large amount of DIY to do.Won't go into detail as it's way off topic,except to say that the place I bought was built in 1700 and something! Had an awful week again last week.3 of my 4 trades we're...
  13. F

    Why Spread Bet?

    sick as a frog Well long time no write been busy nursing me losses.Having an horrendous week so far. Anyhow glad to hear bundle and tube didn't rhyme with dude but as a frequent flyer and sometimes longhaul to the Cape am rather concerned that a microlight is built to higher specs than the...
  14. F

    Why Spread Bet?

    Eek!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't expect that second move up. DITD not sure what you are asking.Surely nothing's risk free. Know nothing about sports spreads but do know that when I do a search I have to specify financial or I get heaps of sporting sites. Got to go slightly anxious at this moment...
  15. F

    Why Spread Bet?

    Hi everyone, Hope you had a good weekend. Thanks for the Forex info,this site really is the dogs' nads for useful info. Wish there had been something like this eons ago when I first started out .It would have saved a lot of time and more importantly dosh. Calvin,I'm a seller of the Dow today...