Recent content by freestyler39

  1. F

    Practicalities and philosophy of trading from a profitable trader

    hey gold, it's been 5 & half months since you started this thread, during which time you've "debunked" pretty much every common trading tool out there. That's all fine and dandy, but don't you think it's about time you explained a bit about the principles you actually employ in your trading? I...
  2. F

    Psychology Getting Started Day Trading & Scalping Demons on our Shoulders

    Real Time Virtual Trading Rooms Hi Jerry: Which <span>Real Time Virtual Trading Room are you referring to? I'm interested in joining. Thanks.</span>
  3. F

    Taking a year off from working to study & trade?

    It's better than nothing. Just don't expect to be a professional trader after one year of trading 1 hr a day. It's more like a small start to a long term commitment of learning the craft. Put it in a different way, the general rule of thumb is that it takes 10,000 hrs of deliberate practice to...
  4. F

    Practicalities and philosophy of trading from a profitable trader

    Boy, and I thought the ppl on FF forums were pushy... It's like watching a gang tackle. Let the guy take his time. It's his thread after all. If you don't like it, then don't follow it anymore. Simple. What's with all the attitude and suspicion? So far I haven't read anything that...
  5. F

    Practicalities and philosophy of trading from a profitable trader

    Very interesting point about focusing on money making instead of treating trading like a hobby. The conventional wisdom says money (profits) comes as a byproduct of good trading. Therefore focus on good execution and not counting every dollar earned/lost. What you are saying is that if one is...
  6. F

    How many hours per day to you trade?

    It's ironic that I quit my job to trade full time. Thinking that I would make more money this way. As it turned out, the opposite is true. Trading 4 hrs a day, fully focused and in the zone, yields much better results than dredging it out 8 hrs, losing focus and getting tired. Of course...