Recent content by FlexiBull

  1. F

    Which S&P 500 ETF?

    I always thought it was better to go with an ETF that has a high dividend? Otherwise, how does your investment grow? I took a look at this. It's listed for professional investors rather than individual investors and isn't listed on JustETF either. What makes this only for professionals?
  2. F

    Which S&P 500 ETF?

    Thanks again, there are just so many ETFs it's hard to know how to begin narrowing down. One more question if you don't mind. From what I can see, some ETFs are made up of stocks that all pay dividends, whereas some only have a mix of stocks that do and do not pay dividends. How does an ETF with...
  3. F

    Which S&P 500 ETF?

    Thanks for the info 1invest. With regards to tax and currency conversion. If I choose an accumulating ETF that automatically reinvests the dividend, will I be taxed on this by the U.S or will I only be taxed when I eventually sell the etf? I'm planning on using a UK ISA for the investment and so...
  4. F

    Which S&P 500 ETF?

    I would like to invest some savings in an ETF. I should preface this by saying I'm very new to investing. I picked the S&P 500 as it has a good record and is fairly stable from what I can see and I want an accumulating ETF that will automatically reinvest for compound interest. Initially I was...