Recent content by entrepreneurial

  1. E


    Greetings all, At the meeting, my associate signed a confidentiality agreement with Faso before any business was discussed. This means that I can not reveal the exact details of the meeting, however, I can tell you what I 'believe' to be the situation... Firstly, let me assure you all that my...
  2. E


    More digging... Thanks for the reply, Fredday, I have been doing some more digging. Faso says, on the Datacept website, that he was Chairman and CEO of Innovative Technologies Inc of Georgia from '92 to '96. Here is the corporation record from Georgia Net ...
  3. E


    A meeting with Paul Leo Faso Hi all, This is my first post on this forum. I was prompted to subscribe after reading the information on Datacept's IPO offering in the Google cache of this thread. My business associate is meeting with the Paul Leo Faso in the next few days and we had been...