Recent content by echelon4x

  1. E

    Advanced Structured Forex Trading

    Hi Frugi, We do have our own private forum and use it regularly. Whenever 7th is running through final tests on any tweaks to his system, he always likes to air them on a public board, that way he says provides more realism and edge to the test confrirmation process. Also, 7th really does...
  2. E

    Advanced Structured Forex Trading

    Hi Frugi, The reason posts come on cue is because subscribers to this thread receive notification of new posts. So, from an e-mail link it's very convenient to zoom to the end of the thread and start posting. I too defend 7th's system - it is truly something which could be classed as being...
  3. E

    Advanced Structured Forex Trading

    Hi 7th, I've just been perusing over the calculations in your recent screenshot of the Real-Time StealthIndicator Performance F(x) section of the system. Something doesn't look right. I think that when you added the Annual data a bug may have crept in. The 5th row of the Fill% Synergy for...
  4. E

    Advanced Structured Forex Trading

    Hi npn, Good to see you here and I hope your NN research is coming along nicely. This is very promising to hear - thanks for the "hands-on" evaluation. The last thing I fancy doing is spending days learning everything about Weka only to find that it can't do what I want it to do ! Very handy...
  5. E

    Advanced Structured Forex Trading

    Hi 7th, Thanks for your recent response - I agree, compiling code to do research would be a complete nightmare. An EasyTCDLanguage would be nice though lol ! Your post on trends where you mention relativity got me thinking back to something you said a few months ago in another forum I believe...
  6. E

    Advanced Structured Forex Trading

    Hi 7th , You had me guessing at which chart you were going to post - and I was on the right lines. I'll now have a close study of that chart in conjunction with your helpful advice - many thanks ! It was fascinating to hear about your proposed research into TNCD's, I've got a feeling that...
  7. E

    Advanced Structured Forex Trading

    Hi 7th, Many, many thanks for your recent detailed explanations of dominant and subdominant TCD's., some excellent and thought provoking information in there. It was also good to hear of your findings with the annual data and how that can affect the daily trades - amazing really - these TCD's...
  8. E

    Advanced Structured Forex Trading

    Hi 7th, I somehow thought you wouldn't have done away with the core 4. Though it would have been amazing if you'd found a way to solely trade at high accuracy levels from magnitude concepts alone. I've seen how useful Magnitude, Direction, Timing and Probabilty can really be and how they all...
  9. E

    Advanced Structured Forex Trading

    Hi 7th, Thanks from me too for some great tips on using TCDs. It was also fascinating to read about your new advanced system. It's interesting that you started 6 years ago with magnitude which led to direction, then direction led to timing and all three lead to probability. Whereas now, it...
  10. E

    Advanced Structured Forex Trading

    Guys, Did you read 7th's first post of the week's trading where he said he would be trading the swing trade signal from the console and not the day trade ? I agree that the price move yesterday came a bit too close for comfort to 7th's day trade stop as it was at the time that it was shown on...
  11. E

    Advanced Structured Forex Trading

    Hi 7th, Thanks for your advice - and good point about Omega - which I'll keep in mind when researching into this stuff. Good point too on pip counts - small leverage and large pip counts will yield the same returns as large leverage and small pip counts. I've found in my trading that 50 pips...
  12. E

    Advanced Structured Forex Trading

    Hi 7th, I've been "lurking" here occasionally like the other guys - just thought I'd say Hi ! It's certainly been a nice volatile week for trading this week, and it looks as though your system's performing great guns as ever. Someone raised the point earlier about not taking full advantage of...
  13. E

    Advanced Structured Forex Trading

    Hi 7th, Even though you're all done - I hope you can find time to call back on occasion to offer the odd inspirational gem of info. or words of encouragement to us struggling high-accuracy system developers, at least let us know how you're progressing with your new projects. I think you're...
  14. E

    Advanced Structured Forex Trading

    Hi Brabed, I agree, this thread is great (and we've been fortunate not to have too many takers for the cheap seats this time). I've spent a good while recently testing out theories with these pesky LocBinds. This research lark tends to become all consuming - it's easy to forget that a world...
  15. E

    Advanced Structured Forex Trading

    Hi Guys, I'd almost forgotten about the T2W thread until the e-mail "new post" reminder came through - I've been busy recently copying and re-installing heaps of stuff from an old computer to a new one - at least it doesn't feel as though I have to hand-crank Excel now lol ! plus I have plenty...